Serving San Bernardino

Help us help those in need

Participate in our Winter Bedding Drive and help us continue
creating better circumstances for our community.

We’re getting a head start on the winter cold by launching our annual drive for blankets, bedrolls, and warm clothes, early enough to beat the winter chill.

If you’d like to help out the homeless in the Inland Empire, click on “Donate” to make a contribution or drop off your winter donations at any FDC Management leasing office and the Sabbath Keepers crew and I will pick up and distribute your gifts

Jimmy Giden

San Bernardino Chapter
Sabbath Keepers Motorcycle Ministry

Our Campaign

Join Us in our Winter Bedding Drive​

To help those living rough in winter weather, Jimmy is in need of any of the items below. If you’d like to help, please drop off your donation at any FDC leasing office before December 1st. For more information about the bedding, drive contact Jimmy directly at (530) 514-2451

New Or Used

Sleeping Bags
Bed Rolls
Thick Socks
Small Tents

New Toiletries

Toothbrush & Paste
Small Deoderant
Face Cloth
Soap Small Bars
Large Clear Ziploc Bags

Be a Part Of

Our Mission

To serve the neediest members of our San Bernadino community with resources while in need

Sleeping Bags



Bed Rolls

Face cloths

We Need Your Help!

With help from FDC co-workers and residents, Jimmy’s last drive netted truckloads of cold-weather supplies which Jimmy’s all-volunteer army distributed in a matter of hours. This year, in this very special year, the need might be even greater.